
Sunday, May 18, 2014


1.When i have free time i like to watch youtube from;

Prof Dr Muhaya and video from group umat akhir zaman.

this is their link;

i am truly very sorry because cant share the good video, this is because the problem with the internet connection here, due to the wifi propblem.
Even during updating this blog i had to struggle wait and for a certain time to access the internet..
one of the good speech is from this link ;

if i have next opportunity , i would share the next good speech here..

2. Table tennis

I love indoor games, and table tennis require the hands on and mind to react quickly.
This would train me to think faster.

3. Badminton

I don't have a good reason, but I have been playing badminton since i was in primary school.

4. Jogging / Exercise

I need to keep my body fit and healthy.

6. Computer games

A hobby which many boys love it too. i like to play games which need to use mind and think fast.

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